Bent Rosenbaum is a professor at the University of Copenhagen, Department of Psychology, and senior researcher at the Clinic for Psychotherapy, Psychiatric Centre of Psychiatry, The Capital Region of Copenhagen. Besides these obligations, he is training analyst in the Danish Psychoanalytic Society and has a part-time psychoanalytic and psychoanalytic psychotherapy practice. Previously, he has been president of the Danish Psychiatric Association(1998-2000) and president of the Danish Psychoanalytic Society (2003-2011).
For more than three decades, one of his major interests has been the psychotherapy of persons in psychotic states of mind. He has been the primal investigator in several projects with this theme. In the 1980s, he was the Danish principal investigator in the ”Nordic investigation of the psychotherapy of first-time admitted persons in states of schizophrenia”, NIPS. In the 1990s, he headed the Danish National Schizophrenia project, a multicenter investigation comparing the treatment as usual only with supportive psychodynamic psychotherapy in addition to treatment as usual. He also headed an investigation of psychotherapy of persons with possible ”prodrome-to-schizophrenia spectrum” conditions.
In addition to clinical work and research in the field of psychosis, the subject of trauma attracted his attention. For more than a decade, he has worked with a European group of analysts and therapists trying hard to understand the structure and the development of traumatic experiences – affecting both body, self, group relations and one's cultural anchorage.