Scholarship Funds

ISPS-US has a fund to pay the conference registration fees of low-income people who would like to attend but can't afford it.  Other members donate money to cover the registration fees ($200 for students and people from low to middle income countries, $150 for people with lived experience of psychosis and their family members/carers), minus whatever they can afford to pay, if anything. Please note that we cannot cover travel or housing expenses, but we may be able to help you arrange low-cost accommodations.

If you'd like to apply, please answer these quick questions and we will let you know if we have the funds to cover your registration fees.  Funds are disbursed on a first-come, first served basis to qualified applicants. We give priority to accepted presenters.  Please note that the fund is very limited and cannot cover every person who applies.

1. What is your income level?

  • <$12, 000
  • $12,001-$19,999
  • $20,000-$29,000
  • >$30,0000

Are there extenuating circumstances regarding your income or expenses that you would like to be considered? 


2. Has your abstract been accepted for presentation at the ISPS conference?

Has a panel that you are on been accepted for presentation?


3. In which category (or categories) would you put yourself? Choose all that apply:

  • Full-time student
  • Person with lived experience of psychosis
  • Family member or carer of person with lived experience of psychosis
  • Retired
  • On disability
  • Unemployed/underemployed


4. Why do you want to attend the ISPS conference? How would you benefit from attending? How might you share what you learn at the conference with others?


5. How much, if any, could you afford to pay in registration fees?

Please send your replies to Jessica Arenella. E-mail: