Maurizio Peciccia, a psychiatrist, psychoanalyst, and art therapist, is President of the Italian branch of ISPS. He is a professor of psychotherapy of the psychoses and scientific director of the Gaetano Benedetti Institute of Existential Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy. Together with Gaetano Benedetti, he developed the method of progressive mirror drawing, a psychodynamic-oriented audio visual itegration therapy for psychoses. He is the author of over 140 publications concerning psychotherapy of the psychosis. He is currently conducting research on multisensory integration therapy for psuchoses in collaboration with the Department of Social and Human Sciences at Perugia University, the Mental Health Department of Perugia and the Neuroscience Department of Parma Unversity. He has presented his theoretical and therapeutic activities at several international conferences and teaches at varioius organizations, training institutes and clincial centers. He is also the honorary president of the Italian Art Therapists.